

“As a young boy I dreamed of creating new high plateau in Art –

now, late in life, I feel that I’m achieving it.”

MY Mission

To present art based on the reality of our Times

After working in design and arts I am on the mission of give a challenging experience, with mirth, statements, questions and complex issues studied in a single painting or exhibit. I have updated impressions previous world master artists created before me. And I wish and intend to bring new artistic studies to new Realities that we all face – both internally and as the world’s leadership species.

World Class Art

In my business life I pioneered upgrades to two major niches to improve the daily and nightly experience of millions. Now I wish to carry that pioneering effort over into creating Worldclass Art. Even to teach others in the world how to follow my pathway.


“The pleasure of painting proves the necessity of it – all children paint spontaneously. Painting has a brilliant future. I intend to be leading the path into the future with 21st Century methods.